I am:
(Lani) O’Neill; exploring design as a force for good; decolonizing my design philosophy; investigating inclusive usability; trying my best.

Here's proof that I'm a human ^

More than twenty years of experience making marks on various surfaces 🖍🏅
I accidentally fell into graphic design in 2015, and I haven’t looked back since.
Two foundational classes and a high-school internship led me to working full-time as a designer after graduation. Two years later, I shipped out to the west coast to pursue a Bachelors of Fine Arts in Graphic Design at Oregon State University.
Now, I am shifting into new chapters of my life and my career.
My design work is supplemented by stamp carvings, silk-screen prints, and general craftery. When I’m not making art, I spend my time “critiquing” films, rollerskating, reading (nonfiction nerd shit), and somehow always washing more goddamn dishes.
Changing the world, one They at a time.
I’m a queer, non-binary person, and my pronoun is ‘they.’ As I navigate through life and continue to meet many people of varying degrees of conscientiousness, I consider myself a safe person to educate curious folks about queer culture and relevant language.
Got questions?
An Array of Accolades
My comprehensive suite of recognized, professional skills caters to a diverse range of clientele, ranging from seasoned baristas to renowned acupuncturists.
Asked Questions

You're nonbiney? Like you don't have any binary?
Yep. I’ve actually been credited with single-handedly ending the gender binary thanks to my senior thesis project: Plugs, menstrual products for men. And, legally speaking, you’re required to compensate me $5 every time you misgender me.
What's your favorite color?
What are you listening to right now?
A lot of non-fiction audiobooks, tbh.
You're so gorgeous.
That's not a question, you scamp! But do go on...
Designing things in Canva all by yourself, handsome?
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